You can count on ANY legacy media outlet to ALWAYS run cover for Big Pharma. This is a rule.
I recently deleted a few posts from my X (the SM platform formerly known as Twitter) feed. I am not in the habit of doing this. If you follow me on X, you know I frequently insert my foot in my mouth and have to make corrections, clarifications, and even, on the very rare occasion, apologies. But, in an effort to be genuinely authentic and maintain integrity, I always leave the tweets up.
This time is different. After prayer and careful consideration, I decided that deleting the tweets was the best course of action; not because I now felt that I was wrong or that the tweets were inaccurate, they weren’t. I still hold the same opinion that I held when I posted them. But my decision to call out the actions of one member of the media may have reflected poorly on good people that had no control over this tiny man’s actions and this was unfair to them.

on May 13, 2024 FOX23 B-Team weekend anchor, Rick Maranon, moderated a debate in Broken Arrow, OK between 3 of the 4 Republican Senate Candidates for Oklahoma Dist 33. It was a successful event that was well managed and professionally hosted. Attendance was high. It was well organized and there was plenty of time to talk with the candidates both before and after the event.
As part of the debate, we were allowed to submit questions, in writing, to the moderator that he would try to ask the candidates near the close of the event.
If you’re reading this, you are most likely aware of the struggle we have faced to get ANY legacy media to cover the story of our daughter’s murder by Pfizer injection. Nothing will save more lives than exposing the TRUTH about the dangers of these deadly mRNA injections.
The ONLY legacy media to cover the Story of Trista’s death WAS the local FOX affiliate in Tulsa, FOX23, for whom Rick Maranon works. While the Story DID help spread awareness and we are grateful for the coverage, FOX23’s decision to include testimony from known Pharma Shill, Dr. Dale Bratzler, was disappointing, to say the least. They didn’t bother informing viewers of his conflicts of interest and direct payments from Big Pharma (which he has many), and allowed his testimony to perpetuate the “Safe and Effective” lie.
More on that HERE
Anyway, I submitted my question for the moderator about an hour before the 8PM cutoff. Here’s what I asked (paraphrased):
“8500 Oklahomans, including my daughter, were murdered by mRNA injections. The CDC and FDA continue to call these injections “Safe and Effective”.
1. As a candidate for office in Oklahoma, would you be willing to sign the pledge at to refuse campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies in an effort to get pharma money out of politics?
2. Will you stand with the mRNA injured and bereaved in Oklahoma to help them get the assistance and justice they deserve?”
My wife and I watched as Rick sorted through the questions and laid several of them to the side. He asked a submitted question regarding Term Limits. He then asked about “protecting Broken Arrow” and even injected his own specific inquiry concerning splitting Broken Arrow High School into 2 schools. Then he asked a submitted question about small business red tape and even one about Turn Pike futures. But, in typical media form, a question about the murder of 8500 Oklahomans went unasked and ignored, once again, by another media personality.
After the event, I had the opportunity to speak with all three candidates, and got their answers to both questions. They All claimed they would agree to sign the pledge and agreed to stand up for the vaccine injured and bereaved. Here’s hoping they hold true to their promises. I also learned from 3 other members of the audience that they, too, asked questions regarding the mRNA injections but Rick chose to ignore those questions as well.
Later that evening, I went to Twitter, once again, to call out what I observed and firmly believe to be another count of typical media suppression and protection of their Pharma Overlords. Mr Marano was quick to defend himself, claiming that I was lying and he simply ran out of time. He accused me of “smearing him for likes”.
So, by way of X comment, I submitted to him a compromise. If it was truly an error, oversight or time constraint issue, then he could use his platform and position as the Weekend Anchor on Fox23 to ask other political candidates these very important questions and help the Oklahoma mRNA injured and bereaved. His response?
He Blocked me.

The fact remains that he chose questions about the future of the Turn Pike over very important questions regarding the ongoing systemic murder of Oklahomans by Evil Pharma. If you wonder, “WHY on Earth would a local FOX affiliate Weekend News guy suppress these questions?” and then you say, “Allen, maybe he DID just run out of time and you’re blowing this out of proportion.”
Okay. Don’t listen to me. Listen to award winning journalist Rodney Palmer at a Congressional Hearing on this very subject.
We HAVE GOT to start holding these people accountable for what they continue to do. I don’t care if it makes them uncomfortable. How UNCOMFORTABLE do you think it was to watch my little girl die? I will NOT apologize to these complicit cowards who continue to toe the line to maintain their careers.
The coordinators and Hosts of the event did an OUTSTANDING Job at this debate. As did all three candidates. My ONLY beef is with the tiny little man refusing to grow a spine.
Rick, If you read this. Prove me wrong! Be the loudest voice for the Oklahoma mRNA injured and bereaved. Make me have to pull my foot out of my mouth. Stand up against the EVIL that has been thrust upon innocent people by these horrifically corrupt entities and organizations.
Thanks for reading.. love you all.
-Trista and Noah’s Dad